Friday, February 21, 2014

I'm back... did you miss me?

Yes I know, I have been remiss in my blogging duties.  Be honest, most of you did not miss me.  I have gone through my files, and found 4 or 5 half written unedited blog posts all since Ironman Florida.  Maybe I'll do some editing and post them.

But that is not why I'm writing.  I am just %!$$*& off at so many of the self-appointed-pseudo-experts out there that claim they "know what they are talking about"!

First, I had the privilege of talking to a well respected orthopedic surgeon in the area.  From all the degrees on the wall, and signed photos from well respected athletes over the last 30 years I would deem him an "EXPERT"  Anyone care to disagree?  He had one thing to say on the subject of injuries.  "The two things to have the biggest impact my business, (the amount of injuries he sees) are:  minimalist running shoes and/or barefoot running; and two: Cross-fit".  Those two phenomena have exploded over recent years with varying results, but noteworthy is the increase of injuries.

Now I am not going to pick on either, but in the near future, I will talk about both, and have some experts, local interviews for you at which point you can make up your own mind.  There are some really great cross fit gyms out there.  Do your research just like when you are buying a bike or pair of running shoes.

Now, on to the "Self-appointed-pseudo-experts".  Yes we all know one or two.  Having worked in gyms for years I have come across many of these.  I've seen the fads, the supplements, the powders, the gadgets and everything that comes with the above.  Hell, I've tried many of them, and the ones I haven't tried I've researched or seen the results on others in the gym, or out on the road.  What I DO know is this:  What works for me may not work for you?  Ask a pro-triathlete, and they will say the same thing.  Even the married couples who are pros have different race day routines, and race day nutrition plans.  So for anyone to say, "I know what I'm talking about" usually means they do not.

The word Coach by definition, comes from the Latin, French and Italian words that literally mean a wagon to carry people.  The use of the word as a verb, to coach referring to athletics wasn't used until 1861 and was slang for one who would literally help carry their student.  It doesn't mean, I have the whistle, you must listen to me.  Many NFL coaches have learned this lesson the hard way.

For anyone to coach, or help carry someone to their goals, the most important thing is for them to be POSITIVE!!!  There is no place for negativity when trying to help someone, besides who wants to hear it.

When it comes to the sport of TRIathlon, much of what we do is still trial and error.  Its more alchemy than exact science.  Dave Scott talked about the changes in nutrition ideas for an Ironman.  I think he "knows what he's talking about"

I'm switching gears with this blog, yes I will still talk about my feelings, and about my continuing Ironman journey but I will always strive to stay POSITIVE!!!

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